Thursday, 8 November 2012

06/11/2012 - Questions

How much time do you spend texting, on social networking sites, watching TV, playing video games?
Texting - 30 mins
Social Networking - 1 hr
TV - 3 hrs
Video games - 0
Total - 4.5 hrs

What is it you would like to change?
I would like to change the lack of care within the care industry. My mum has worked as a carer for people with learning disabilities for 20 years and is paid a little above minimum wage and works long, irregular shifts. The home she works at takes in clients according to how much they're willing to pay rather than considering the needs of the client. She works incredibly hard and has seen her co-workers come into the company and leave a few weeks or months later because of the poor pay for the amount they're doing. This means they're constantly looking for staff and the clients don't get a stable team because people are constantly leaving. These private companies are simply concerned with the profit that the managers and the company owners are making and have no idea and it makes me angry that they do not care for their staff or their clients.

I would also like to also get rid of the IQ test. The IQ test is not a positive representation of anyone's 'intelligence' because intelligence is not stable and really we don't know what intelligence actually is. I read a book written by Ken Robinson which explains why the IQ test is totally outdated and incorrect. Here is the extract.

What power do you have?
I have the power to vote with my feet. If I disagree with something a company or group are doing, I am one of their market, so I can decide not to buy into their products/services.

I also have the power to express myself and my beliefs - be it through the work I create, online, how I speak or what I say.

What do you have plenty of?
Mental ability

What are you scarce of?
Theatrical experiences

What are your ideals? What do you believe in?
Treat others as you would like to treat yourself
Make your own opportunities

What do you think you could do to make that happen?
Be nice to others
Go and experience as much as I can
Talk to many different people
Read more - expand my knowledge of the world
Experience things outside the norm/my comfort zone - other cultures etc.

What stops you from doing it?
Lack of knowledge of the opportunities available to me
Lack of motivation to go out there and experience things (other priorities)

I have learnt from doing this quiz that I spend a lot of time doing things that don't benefit me very much. They also distract me from doing things that can help me make these changes.

It has helped me realise what i believe in and that I actually am quite political and have a perspective on society that I didn't realise I had. Clarifying these in my head has given me confidence that I have opinions. It has also helped me to realise that I need to engage more in the news to have the knowledge to make my own valid judgements on the world based on facts.

It has helped me realise that I am powerful as creative student and also as a member of a population and that has given me confidence to be more politically active to use these to make a difference.

I also think I need to appreciate what I have so that I can put my life in perspective.

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