Monday, 12 November 2012

Initial Thoughts on the Occupy Movement and Occupy Wall Street from Research

From what I've looked into the Occupy movement, it seems like it has arisen from a global feeling of dissatisfaction with capitalism, the economy and lack of equality in money. But what's interesting about it is that it has been difficult to pin exactly where it has started because people have been protesting and being actively involved in these sorts of ideas around the same time.

It has had a collective start up across the world but the first Occupy movement was Wall Street. From this, other Occupy movements have happened in London, Spain, around Europe and more recently an Occupy Sandy Movement has arisen due to the slow relief effort for people who're victims of the Hurricane's devastating effects. Volunteers are giving aid to help with basic needs.

A lot of what the people were saying in the interviews were differing but had similar themes like money and equality. It was interesting to see how all these people just wanted to get out to Wall Street and protest about what they believe in and I think there's an undeniable strength in that. But I also think, what change will come of this? A lot of the people who spoke were angry about the financial situation their country was in but they had no ideas as to how they could solve it, which I think is the only way that change will ever happen. But I think this movement is definitely a large representation of the dissatisfaction and anger that these people have against the way their government is running their country and a way to get the government to begin creating some action.

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