Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Theatre Uncut Research

The Theatre Uncut website says that 'Theatre Uncut was created to encourage debate and galvanise action around political issues that affect all of our lives. Anyone can get involved, anywhere.'
They began through a reaction to the cuts happening in the UK after the ecomomic downturn. They launched 8 new plays in March 2011which anyone could download and perform. These were performed in schools, universities, pubs, in the streets and front rooms. The playwrights for 2011 were Clara Brennan, David Greig, Dennis Kelly, Lucy Kirkwood, Anders Lustgarten, Laura Lomas, Mark Ravenhill and Jack Thorne.
The movement also wants to allows dramatists to experiment with theatre and different ways of producing theatre.
In order to get one of the plays, you can send an email to the company saying where you want to perform the piece, your plans, permission and agree to the terms and conditions. I think this is an interesting way of spreading the plays and globally because almost anyone can put it on anywhere. This means they'll be different performances of the piece all over the world.

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