Saturday, 15 December 2012

What is Political Theatre? Research

Arguably, all theatre is political. It will look at elements in our society that we recognise and critisises them or comments on them. For example, Macbeth and others of Shakespeare's plays make comments on the way society was at the time.

Political Theatre has been a way of promoting change.Through presenting faults in societies workings in everyday life and in higher society and government.

Some playwrights who write political plays are David Hare, Alan Aykbourne, Caryl Chuchill.

This is an interesting article that I read about Political Theatre. It talks about how broad Political Theatre is genre because so many plays can count as a political piece. But the writer also argues that theatre should be more political than it is because it is more valuable for society as a whole. In a way this is a similar view that Brecht would have held when making his theatre because he lived in an age when he valued being part of the theatre industry as being an active part of society.

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